dmtools 0.2.6 2020-11-08

  • fixed LBNDIND -> LBNRIND
  • check if age or sex is null in lab()
  • delete check_sites() and test_sites()
  • delete parameter clsig in lab()
  • add progress bar

dmtools 0.2.5 2020-09-01

  • add functions for MedDRA API
  • short() don’t stop if an error happens
  • delete wbc()

dmtools 0.2.4 2020-05-12

dmtools 0.2.3 Unreleased

  • add test_sites for choose test in the different sites
  • add get_date for the date object

Bug fixes

  • wbc checks non-numeric arguments

dmtools 0.2.2 Unreleased

  • add opportunity for check sites
  • delete depended and filtered columns

Bug fixes

  • parameter for clinical significant estimate

dmtools 0.2.1 Unreleased

  • add <- -> for dates, which is out
  • add function for calculation WBCs count
  • OOP structure

dmtools 0.1.4 Unreleased

  • throw error if the final result result is empty
  • throw warning if don`t find item in file

Bug fixes

  • parameter for sex: substring in regex e.g. “male” in “female”

dmtools 0.1.3 Unreleased

  • add a parameter for the clinical significant estimate

dmtools 0.1.2 Unreleased

  • add a function for dates validation

dmtools 0.1.1 Unreleased

  • first public release of the package